Zip Code:

50022, Atlantic, IA

50022 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Atlantic and the county of Cass. Its population is roughly 8,350.

Atlantic Real Estate: A Look at the 50022 Zip Code

Atlantic, IA is located in the 50022 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $137,000. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 5.5% over the past year. Atlantic has a population of 1,827 people and there are approximately 269 homes currently for sale in this zip code. This indicates that there is an average of 2 homes for sale per day in this zip code.

The most common type of housing that is available for purchase in Atlantic is single family homes. Single family homes account for 73% of all housing units that are currently for sale in Atlantic.

The median price of a single family home that is currently for sale in Atlantic is $137,000 which indicates that the market demand for these types of homes has increased by 5.5% over the past year.

Another type of housing that is available for purchase in Atlantic is townhouses/condos. Townhouses/condos account for 16% of all housing units that are currently for sale and they have a median price of $151,000 which indicates that they are slightly more expensive than single family homes on average.

It should be noted that while the majority (73%)of all housing units currently available to purchase are single family homes, there are also a significant number (21%)of multi-unit dwellings such as apartments and condos available to purchase within the boundaries of Atlantic Zip Code 50022 . Multi-unit dwellings typically have a higher demand than single unit dwellings and their prices reflect this with a median price tag of $178,500 which indicates an increase by 9% over the past year when compared to the median price tag on single unit dwellings ($137,000).

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