Zip Code:

50125, Indianola, IA

50125 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Indianola and the county of Warren County. Its population is roughly 20,622.

The Real Estate Market in the 50125 Zip Code of Indianola, IA

The home equity and home prices in the 50125 zip code of Indianola, IA are very high. In 2017, the median home value in this zip code was $236,000. This is a significant increase from the median home value of $159,000 that was recorded in 2000. The reason for this increase is likely due to the strong economy and low interest rates that have been present over the past few years. Additionally, there are a number of attractive homes available for sale in this zip code which has helped to drive up prices.

Price Index: Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA

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