Zip Code:

50129, Jefferson, IA

50129 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Jefferson and the county of Greene. Its population is roughly 5,024.

The Real Estate Market in the 50129 Zip Code of Jefferson, IA

The Jefferson, Iowa zip code 50129 has a population of just over 10,000 people and a median home value of $151,000. This makes the 50129 zip code one of the more affordable in the area. However, despite its affordability, there is still a high demand for homes in this zip code. As of February 2019, there were 2,812 active listings in the 50129 zip code and an average list price of $187,500. This means that even though homes in this zip code are relatively affordable, they are still highly sought after by buyers.

One reason that homes in the 50129 zip code are so popular is that they offer great value for your money. The median home value in this area is only about half of what you would pay for a similar home outside of Jefferson County. Additionally, while Jefferson County does have some higher-priced areas (like Des Moines), most homes here are priced well below average for central Iowa.

Another reason why homes in the 50129 zip code are so popular is because they offer great access to amenities and services. The city of Jefferson is located within this zipcode and offers plenty of shopping and dining options as well as plenty of opportunities for recreation (including a number of golf courses). Additionally, many major employers (like Hy-Vee) are located within close proximity to the 50129 zip code which means that residents here have easy access to jobs and businesses.

Overall, it seems clear that homeownership rates in the 50129 zip code remain high despite their affordability relative to other areas around central Iowa. This suggests that there is still strong demand for housing here – even among those who can’t afford to purchase a home outright.

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