Zip Code:
50144 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Leon and the county of Decatur. Its population is roughly 2,622.
The home equity and home prices in the 50144 zip code of Leon, IA are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. The median home value in this zip code is $119,000, which is lower than the Iowa median of $135,000. However, there is a significant disparity between the values of homes in this zip code and those located elsewhere in Iowa. For example, the median home value in Des Moines County is $163,500 while it is only $118,000 in Leon County. This disparity may be attributable to a number of factors including population density and access to amenities.
In addition to disparities between home values within Leon County and across Iowa as a whole, there are also pronounced differences between neighborhoods within this zip code. For example, neighborhoods near downtown Leon have significantly higher median home values ($157,500) than those located further away ($116,000). This may be indicative of demand for housing near major amenities or businesses. In contrast to neighborhoods near downtown Leon, areas such as Eagle Point and Westville have significantly lower median home values ($92K vs $128K). These areas may be less desirable due to their proximity to rural areas or other low-income communities.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
50065 | 731 | 5 | America/Chicago | 40.60809 | -93.78626 | Davis City | Decatur | Iowa |
50103 | 369 | 2.3 | America/Chicago | 40.79594 | -93.60825 | Garden Grove | Decatur | Iowa |
50262 | 369 | 4.4 | America/Chicago | 40.85516 | -93.81560 | Van Wert | Decatur | Iowa |
50067 | 273 | 3.1 | America/Chicago | 40.71570 | -93.85996 | Decatur | Decatur | Iowa |