Zip Code:

50213, Osceola, IA

50213 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Osceola and the county of Clarke. Its population is roughly 6,953.

The Real Estate Market in the 50213 Zip Code of Osceola, IA

Osceola, IA is located in Polk County and has a population of just over 10,000. The median household income in the 50213 zip code is just over $60,000, which is above the Iowa state average of $53,482. Home prices in Osceola have been increasing steadily for the past few years and are now well above the Iowa state average. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on home prices in Iowa, Osceola ranks as one of the top 20 most expensive zip codes in the state.

One reason why home prices have been so high in Osceola is that there are a lot of affluent residents living there. The median home value in Osceola is $187,500, which is more than three times the median home value in Polk County overall and almost six times the median home value in Iowa City. Additionally, many new homes have been built recently in Osceola and this has helped to drive up prices even further.

Despite these high prices, it's important to keep things perspective when looking at home equity and home values. After all, a single family house can only hold so much value and it's important to remember that not everyone can afford to live near or buy a house outright. For example, many people who live in Osceola are renters who are able to pay higher rent rates than people who live elsewhere because they can't afford to buy a house outright. So while it's true that homes values have increased significantly over the past few years, it's also important to remember that not everyone can benefit from this trend.

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