Zip Code:

50226, Polk City, IA

50226 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Polk City and the county of Polk County. Its population is roughly 6,584.

The Real Estate Market in the 50226 Zip Code of Polk City, IA

The 50226 zip code of Polk City, IA has a median home value of $111,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. The Polk City area has seen an increase in home values over the past five years, with prices increasing by an average of 7.5%. In addition to the median home values, there is also a high concentration of homeowners in the 50226 zip code who have more than 80% equity in their homes. This indicates that many people in this area are confident in their ability to maintain and grow their homes over time.

One factor that may be contributing to the increased demand for housing in the 50226 zip code is its proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Des Moines and Omaha. These cities offer a variety of job opportunities and amenities that can attract families looking for quality living conditions. Additionally, Polk City is located within easy driving distance of several recreational areas such as Lake Okoboji and Mount Ayr Recreation Area. This combination of factors may be contributing to the increased demand for housing in this area.

Price Index: Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA

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