Zip Code:

50315, Des Moines, IA

50315 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Des Moines and the county of Polk County. Its population is roughly 35,795.

The Real Estate Market in the 50315 Zip Code of Des Moines, IA

Home Equity in the 50315 Zip Code of Des Moines, IA

There are a total of 8,821 homes in the 50315 zip code of Des Moines, IA. Of these homes, there are 5,924 single-family homes and 2,711 multi-family homes. The average home value in the 50315 zip code is $158,827.

As of September 30th, 2017 there were a total of 5,924 single-family homes and 2,711 multi-family homes in the 50315 zip code of Des Moines. The average home value in this area is $158,827. This means that on average there are 1.5 more single-family homes and 0.5 more multi-family homes than there were at this same point last year.

The number of single-family homes has increased by 1.5 since last year while the number of multi-family units has decreased by 0.5 since last year. This indicates that home values have increased overall within the 50315 zip code over the past twelve months despite a decrease in available housing units due to population growth within this area over that same time period

Price Index: Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA

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