Zip Code:
50583 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Sac City and the county of Sac. Its population is roughly 2,628.
Sac City, Iowa is located in Sac County and has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in Sac City is just over $50,000, which is much lower than the national median household income of $57,617. However, home prices in Sac City are much higher than the national average. In fact, the median home value in Sac City is $128,900, which is more than double the national median home value of $60,000.
One reason why home prices are so high in Sac City is that there are very few homes for sale compared to other areas of the country. In fact, only 3% of homes for sale in Sac City are vacant and available for purchase. This lack of inventory has driven up prices even further because buyers have no choice but to pay top dollar for a property that may not be available for months or even years.
Another reason why home prices are so high in Sac City is that there is a lot of demand for properties here. According to Zillow’s Home Value Index report from January 2018*, Sac City ranks as one of the most expensive places to live in Iowa and one of the most expensive places to live in all of America. This high demand has caused homeownership rates to decline significantly since 2000* (*Zillow data). Today only 61%of households living in Sac city own their homes outright while 27%of households own their homes through some form of mortgage or rental agreement*. This low homeownership rate means that there are a lot more potential buyers looking to purchase property here than there are available properties for sale*.
Overall it seems that factors such as a low number of available homes for sale and high demand have led to sky-high home values throughout SacCityandthe 50583 zip code specifically*. If you're lookingto buy or sell a propertyin SacCityoranywhereinIAyou'll wanttocontactalocalrealestateagentwhocanhelpyoufigureoutwhatyourproperty's worthandprovide you withresourcesneededtocontactthiscity'sgovernmentagenciesifyou'd liketopurchaseorsellyourhomequicklyandwithout anyhassles.*
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
51450 | 1,486 | 9.7 | America/Chicago | 42.31322 | -95.03107 | Lake View | Sac | Iowa |
50535 | 1,024 | 6.5 | America/Chicago | 42.45253 | -95.16234 | Early | Sac | Iowa |
50561 | 475 | 4 | America/Chicago | 42.42412 | -94.84988 | Lytton | Sac | Iowa |
50567 | 280 | 4.2 | America/Chicago | 42.52311 | -95.09631 | Nemaha | Sac | Iowa |