Zip Code:

50635, Gladbrook, IA

50635 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Gladbrook and the county of Tama. Its population is roughly 1,584.

The Real Estate Market in the 50635 Zip Code of Gladbrook, IA

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 50635 Zip Code of Gladbrook, IA

The home equity and home prices in the 50635 zip code of Gladbrook, IA are very high. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $269,900. This is a significant increase from the median home value of $157,500 that was reported back in 2006. The reason for this increase is likely due to the strong economy that has been present over the past few years. Additionally, there are a number of factors that could contribute to an increase in home values such as increased demand and limited supply.

It is important to keep in mind that while home equity and home prices are high right now, they can also be volatile. For example, back in 2008-2009 there was a significant decrease in home values across the country as a result of the global financial crisis. So while it may be tempting to buy a house based on its current value alone, it is important to always do your research and factor in potential risks associated with buying a house.

Overall, it seems clear that homeownership rates have increased significantly over recent years within the 50635 zip code of Gladbrook. This may be due to many factors including strong economic conditions and limited availability of housing stock relative to population growth rates. While there are certainly risks associated with owning a house (e.g., price volatility), it appears that homeownership rates within this area would likely remain high even if economic conditions turned sour again

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