Zip Code:

52147, Hawkeye, IA

52147 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Hawkeye and the county of Fayette. Its population is roughly 1,061.

The Real Estate Market in the 52147 Zip Code of Hawkeye, IA

The 52147 zip code of Hawkeye, IA has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $118,000. This is higher than the Iowa median home value of $101,500 and the national median home equity value of $117,200. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are owner-occupied is 66%, which is lower than the Iowa percentage of 73% and the national percentage of 69%. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are renter-occupied is 34%, which is higher than the Iowa percentage of 27% and the national percentage of 30%. The average commute to work in this zip code is 26 minutes, which is lower than the Iowa average commute time to work (30 minutes) and the national average commute time to work (33 minutes).

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