Zip Code:

52245, Iowa City, IA

52245 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Iowa City and the county of Johnson County. Its population is roughly 25,195.

The Real Estate Market in Iowa City, IA

The Iowa City zip code of 52245 has a population of around 34,000 people and is located in the southeast corner of Iowa City. The median household income in this zip code is $50,000 which is above the Iowa City median household income of $41,500. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years and are now at an all-time high.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increase in home prices in this zip code. First, there is a strong demand for housing due to the growing population and employment opportunities in Iowa City. Second, there has been an increase in home equity loans available to residents of this area which has helped to drive up prices. Finally, there has been an increase in interest rates over the past few years which has made buying a home more expensive.

Despite these positive trends, there are some challenges facing residents of this area when it comes to buying a home. First, there is a limited supply of homes available for sale which has driven up prices even further. Second, many homes in this area are owned by investors who are looking to sell quickly and may not be willing to meet buyers' price expectations. Finally, interest rates could continue to rise over the next few years which could make buying a home more difficult for some residents

Price Index: Iowa City, IA

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