Zip Code:

52356, Wellman, IA

52356 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Wellman and the county of Washington County. Its population is roughly 2,573.

Real Estate in the 52356 Zip Code of Wellman, IA

Home equity is the difference between what a homeowner owes on their home and the value of their home. Home prices are the amount that homeowners are able to sell their homes for. The 52356 zip code of Wellman, IA has seen a rise in both home equity and home prices over the past few years. In 2016, the median home value was $134,900 and the median home equity was $128,700. In 2017, these numbers increased to $142,100 and $135,000 respectively. This trend is likely to continue as more people move into this area and become homeowners.

There are several reasons why home values have increased in this zip code over the past few years. First of all, Wellman is an expanding community with new homes being built all the time. Second, there is a high demand for housing in this area due to its proximity to major cities like Des Moines and Iowa City as well as its many amenities like schools and shopping districts. Finally, many homeowners have been able to refinance their mortgages in order to take advantage of historically low interest rates which has helped them increase their net worth significantly over time.

Price Index: Iowa City, IA

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