Zip Code:

52632, Keokuk, IA

52632 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Keokuk and the county of Lee County. Its population is roughly 12,577.

The Real Estate Market in the 52632 Zip Code of Keokuk, IA

The home equity and home prices in the 52632 zip code of Keokuk, IA are reflective of the overall market conditions in the area. Over the past five years, home values have increased by an average of 6%. This is significantly higher than the national average of 3%. The main factors contributing to this increase include strong economic growth and low interest rates.

However, there are some caveats to consider when assessing home equity and home prices in this area. First, although Keokuk is experiencing strong economic growth, it is not expanding as rapidly as some other areas in Iowa. As a result, there may be less demand for homes within the 52632 zip code. Second, interest rates have remained relatively low for a long period of time which has helped to drive up prices. However, if interest rates were to rise suddenly this could lead to a decrease in home values within the 52632 zip code.

Overall, while there are some risks associated with buying or selling a home within the 52632 zip code, overall it appears that property values are increasing at a healthy rate. If you are interested in purchasing or selling a home in this area we would be happy to provide you with additional information and advice.

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