Zip Code:

53016, Clyman, WI

53016 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Clyman and the county of Dodge County. Its population is roughly 395.

The Real Estate Market in the 53016 Zip Code of Clyman, WI

The Clyman zip code is located in the southeast corner of Wisconsin, just north of the Illinois state line. The Clyman area has a population of just over 2,000 people and covers a total area of just under 10 square miles. The Clyman zip code has a median household income of just over $50,000 and a median home value of just over $160,000.

The Clyman area has seen strong growth in both home equity and home prices over the past few years. As of September 2017, the median home value in the Clyman zip code was $164,500, up from $152,500 only four years earlier. At the same time, the average home equity balance in the Clyman zip code was $101,700 - up from only $78,600 back in 2013. This strong growth is likely due to several factors:

1) The overall economy continues to be strong – especially within rural areas like Clyman where there are limited job opportunities but high demand for housing;

2) Low interest rates – which make it easier for people to borrow money to buy homes; and

3) Strong demand for housing within Clyman itself – especially among families who want to live close to their jobs but also have enough space to grow their families ( Clyman is relatively small compared with many other cities).

While these trends are positive news for residents of Clyman ZIP code 53016, there are also some risks associated with this rapid growth:

1) Rising prices could lead some homeowners who were not planning on selling anytime soon to do so sooner than they would have liked; 2) Increased competition among buyers could lead to increased prices and slower sales; 3) If interest rates begin to rise or if economic conditions change significantly (for example if more jobs become available in other parts of Wisconsin), then homeowners may find that their homes are worth less than they originally thought.

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