Zip Code:

53073, Plymouth, WI

53073 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Plymouth and the county of Sheboygan County. Its population is roughly 14,777.

The Real Estate Market in the 53073 Zip Code of Plymouth, WI

The 53073 zip code of Plymouth, WI has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $116,000. The average home price in the Plymouth area has increased by 10.5% over the past year and is currently at its highest point since 2007.

The majority of homes in the Plymouth area are owner-occupied, with approximately 74% of households owning their homes outright and 23% owning their homes through a mortgage. Approximately 5% of households in the Plymouth area are renters, while 2% are living in public housing.

The average household size in the Plymouth area is 2.8 people and there are an estimated 1,711 families residing within the 53073 zip code. The majority (60%) of residents are Caucasian while 29% identify as Hispanic or Latino.

Price Index: Sheboygan, WI

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