Zip Code:

53713, Madison, WI

53713 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Madison and the county of Dane County. Its population is roughly 22,255.

The Real Estate Market in the 53713 Zip Code of Madison, WI

There is no one answer to the question of how home prices and home equity are doing in the 53713 zip code of Madison, WI. However, there are a few factors that can help give some indication as to how things may be going.

According to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $269,000. This figure has increased by 2% over the past year and has increased by 8% over the past five years. In addition, Zillow reports that the median home equity in this zip code is $146,000. This figure has also increased by 2% over the past year and has increased by 9% over the past five years.

It should be noted that these figures may not reflect everyone in this zip code equally. For example, homes that are newer or located in nicer neighborhoods may have higher values than older or less desirable homes. Additionally, home equity figures may not reflect changes in mortgage rates or other loan payments (such as property taxes).

Price Index: Madison, WI

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