Zip Code:

54114, Crivitz, WI

54114 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Crivitz and the county of Marinette County. Its population is roughly 5,265.

The Real Estate Market in the 54114 Zip Code of Crivitz, WI

The 54114 zip code of Crivitz, WI has a median home value of $151,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. The homeownership rate in this zip code is 73.4%, which is higher than the Wisconsin state average of 63.8%. This zip code also has a higher percentage of owner-occupied homes than the state average (68.1% vs. 62.9%). The percentage of homes in this zip code that are vacant is lower than the state average (5.2% vs. 6%).

There are a number of factors that could contribute to the high home values in this zip code, including its high homeownership rate and low vacancy rate. Additionally, Crivitz is located in an area with many affluent residents who may be able to afford to buy or build more expensive homes than those typically found in other areas of Wisconsin.

Despite these factors, there may be some potential buyers who are not interested in living in or buying a home in the 54114 zip code due to its high prices. Additionally, if interest rates increase significantly from their current levels, many homeowners who have taken out large mortgages on their homes could find themselves struggling to make their payments if they cannot find another job or see their income increase significantly over time

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