Zip Code:

54411, Athens, WI

54411 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Athens and the county of Marathon County. Its population is roughly 5,226.

Real Estate in the 54411 Zip Code of Athens, WI

Athens, WI is located in Dane County and has a population of about 28,000. The median household income in Athens is $56,000 and the median home value is $161,500. Home equity in Athens has increased significantly over the past few years as prices have risen faster than incomes. In 2006, the median home equity was $116,000. By 2012, this figure had increased to $168,000. This increase can be attributed to several factors including low interest rates and increasing demand for housing due to an influx of college students into the area.

The 54411 zip code has seen particularly strong growth in home values over the past few years. In 2012 alone, home values rose by 8% compared to 2011. This trend is likely to continue as more people move into the area and demand for housing increases. It is important to note that while home values are rising rapidly in Athens, they are still lower than they were before the recessionary period of 2008-2009. This means that there are still opportunities for homeowners who want to buy or sell their homes at a higher price than what they paid originally.

Price Index: Wausau-Weston, WI

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