Zip Code:

54982, Wautoma, WI

54982 is a Wisconsin Zip code within the city of Wautoma and the county of Waushara. Its population is roughly 6,957.

The Real Estate Market in the 54982 Zip Code of Wautoma, WI

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 54982 Zip Code of Wautoma, WI

The home equity and home prices in the 54982 zip code of Wautoma, WI are very high. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in this zip code is $269,900. This makes it one of the most expensive zip codes in Wisconsin. Additionally, the average home equity loan amount in this zip code is $146,000. This means that many people in this area have a lot of equity in their homes.

One reason why home values are so high in this area is because there are a lot of good schools located here. Many people want to live near good schools because they believe that it will help their children achieve success later on in life. Additionally, there are a lot of jobs available here too. So many people want to live near a major city so that they can have access to all the job opportunities that are available there.

Despite all these reasons why home values are high here, there may be some risks associated with buying or owning a home in this area. For example, if you don't have enough money down when you buy a house or if you get into trouble with your mortgage payments then you could lose your house quickly. Additionally, if interest rates go up then your monthly payments could increase too which would make owning a house more expensive overall.

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