Zip Code:

55106, Saint Paul, MN

55106 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey County. Its population is roughly 58,771.

The Real Estate Market in the 55106 Zip Code of Saint Paul, MN

The Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code has a population of about 228,000 people and is located in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The median home value in the Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code is $236,500 which is about 2.5 times the national median home value of $117,500. The average home equity loan amount in the Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code is $141,000 which is about 3.5 times the national average home equity loan amount of $35,000.

There are a number of factors that contribute to high home values in the Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code including strong job growth and low interest rates. Additionally, many homes in the Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code are owned by investors who are able to borrow large amounts of money to purchase them. This high level of home ownership has helped to keep prices elevated relative to other areas throughout Minnesota and the United States.

Despite these high prices, there have been some signs that market conditions may be changing in the Saint Paul, MN 55106 zip code. For example, there has been a recent uptick in sales activity within this area which may suggest that buyers are becoming more confident about purchasing homes here. Additionally, there have been reports of fraudulent activity related to home loans within this area which could lead to decreased demand for properties and lower prices over time.

Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

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