Zip Code:

55119, Saint Paul, MN

55119 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey County. Its population is roughly 43,784.

The Real Estate Market in the 55119 Zip Code of Saint Paul, Minnesota

The Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code has a population of about 287,000 people and is located in Ramsey County. The median home value in the Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code is $196,500 which is about 2.5 times the national median home value of $117,600. The percentage of homes in the Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code that are owner-occupied is about 69% while the percentage of homes that are rented is about 31%.

There are a total of 128 homes currently for sale in the Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code and there have been a total of 1,827 sales since January 1st 2018. The average sale price per square foot for homes currently for sale in the Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code is $130 which is about 2.5 times the average sale price per square foot for all properties in Ramsey County. The average list price per square foot for homes currently for sale in the Saint Paul, MN 55119 zip code is $239 which is also about 2.5 times the average list price per square foot for all properties in Ramsey County.

Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

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