Zip Code:
55318 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Chaska and the county of Carver County. Its population is roughly 28,524.
The 55318 zip code of Chaska, MN has a median home value of $167,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. These values are higher than the statewide median home value of $161,500 and the statewide median home equity value of $142,700. The 55318 zip code is also above the national median home value of $177,600.
There are a number of factors that may contribute to these high values in the 55318 zip code. One reason may be that Chaska is a desirable location with plenty of amenities and opportunities for growth. Additionally, many homeowners in this area have invested in their homes over time through additions or improvements which may have increased their property's worth.
Despite these high values, there are still many homeowners in the 55318 zip code who are struggling to maintain their homes due to rising costs associated with maintenance and repairs. If you're thinking about buying or selling a home in this area, it's important to consult with an experienced real estate agent who can help you assess your specific situation and make informed decisions about your best course of action.
Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
55379 | 45,062 | 295.1 | America/Chicago | 44.75421 | -93.51618 | Shakopee | Scott County | Minnesota |
55317 | 21,905 | 673.8 | America/Chicago | 44.85809 | -93.55192 | Chanhassen | Carver County | Minnesota |
55331 | 18,979 | 490.5 | America/Chicago | 44.89951 | -93.60394 | Excelsior | Hennepin County | Minnesota |
55386 | 7,829 | 447 | America/Chicago | 44.86264 | -93.66794 | Victoria | Carver County | Minnesota |