Zip Code:

55320, Clearwater, MN

55320 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Clearwater and the county of Wright County. Its population is roughly 5,052.

The Real Estate Market in the Clearwater, MN 55320 Zip Code

The Clearwater zip code 55320 has a population of around 36,000 people and is located in the southwestern part of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The median household income in this zip code is around $85,000, which is higher than the statewide median household income of $59,500. The homeownership rate in this zip code is around 69%, which is lower than the statewide homeownership rate of 74%. Around 33% of households in this zip code have a mortgage, which is lower than the statewide mortgage rate of 41%.

The average home value in this zip code is around $269,000, which is higher than the statewide average home value of $218,200. Around 48% of homes in this zip code are owner-occupied, which is lower than the statewide ownership rate of 55%. Around 25% of homes in this zipcode are rented, which is lower than the statewide rental rate of 31%.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to why homes values are higher in Clearwater compared to other parts of Minnesota. One reason may be that there are more affluent residents living in Clearwater compared to other parts of Minnesota. Another reason may be that there are more jobs and businesses located within close proximity to Clearwater homes. Additionally, Clearwater residents may be able to afford higher home prices due to strong incomes and low interest rates.

Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

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