Zip Code:

55433, Minneapolis, MN

55433 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Minneapolis and the county of Anoka County. Its population is roughly 34,441.

The Real Estate Market in the 55433 Zip Code of Minneapolis, MN

The Minneapolis, MN 55433 zip code has a population of about 298,000 people and is located in the southeastern part of the city. The median home value in this zip code is $269,900 which is about 2.5 times the national median home value of $157,500. The percentage of homes in this zip code that are owner-occupied is about 68%, which is lower than the national homeownership rate of 71%. About 28% of homes in this zip code are rented, which is higher than the national rental rate of 23%.

Home equity plays an important role in households' financial security and ability to purchase or upgrade homes. Home equity can be used to pay down debt or finance other expenses such as education or a new car. In addition, homeowners who have more equity in their homes are more likely to stay in their homes for longer periods of time and make larger down payments on mortgages than those who have less equity.

There are several factors that affect home prices and home equity: interest rates, supply and demand, economic conditions (such as inflation), local government policies (such as zoning laws), and demographic changes (such as increasing populations). Interest rates affect both buyers and sellers by influencing how much they must pay for a loan or mortgage relative to how much they could earn if they put that money into an investment such as stocks or bonds. Supply and demand also play a role by affecting how many houses are available for sale and how much buyers are willing to pay for them. Economic conditions can affect house prices by increasing demand for housing units when unemployment decreases or decreasing demand when there is an economic recession. Local government policies can also impact house prices by changing regulations on zoning laws (which can restrict the number of houses that can be built) or by providing incentives such as tax breaks for developers who build new housing units. Demographic changes can influence house prices by changing preferences among buyers (for example, young adults may prefer living near downtown areas while older adults may prefer suburban areas) or by increasing the number of people who want to live in certain areas (for example, due to gentrification).

Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

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