Zip Code:
55712 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Bruno and the county of Pine. Its population is roughly 623.
The 55712 zip code of Bruno, MN has a median home value of $153,000. This is higher than the statewide median home value of $146,500. The 55712 zip code also has a lower than average percentage of homes that are valued at less than $100,000. This indicates that there are more expensive homes in this zip code compared to other areas in Minnesota.
The 55712 zip code also has a high percentage of homes that are valued at over $300,000. This indicates that there are a lot of wealthy residents in this area. It is also worth noting that the percentage of homes valued at over $1 million is above the statewide average. This suggests that there is an abundance of luxury properties in this area.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
55072 | 4,566 | 5.6 | America/Chicago | 46.14102 | -92.61841 | Sandstone | Pine | Minnesota |
55795 | 1,753 | 7.9 | America/Chicago | 46.31390 | -92.86291 | Willow River | Pine | Minnesota |
55704 | 1,051 | 7.3 | America/Chicago | 46.20394 | -92.76826 | Askov | Pine | Minnesota |
55756 | 408 | 3.2 | America/Chicago | 46.36669 | -92.59251 | Kerrick | Pine | Minnesota |