Zip Code:

55720, Cloquet, MN

55720 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Cloquet and the county of Carlton County. Its population is roughly 17,088.

The Real Estate Market in the 55720 Zip Code of Cloquet, Minnesota

Cloquet, Minnesota is located in the 55720 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Cloquet was 9,827. The median household income in Cloquet was $75,972 and the median family income was $92,711. In 2008, there were a total of 5,521 housing units in the 55720 zip code. The average sale price for a home in Cloquet was $157,000 and the average mortgage rate was 4.4%. As of 2012, there were a total of 6,561 housing units in the 55720 zip code. The average sale price for a home in Cloquet was $188,000 and the average mortgage rate was 4.6%.

As of 2012 there were a total of 6561 housing units in the 55720 zip code which means that approximately 97% of all homes in this zip code are occupied. This high occupancy rate is likely due to both its location within close proximity to Minneapolis as well as its moderate cost of living which makes it an affordable option for families looking to purchase their first home or expand their current one. Additionally, since most homes within this zip code are owner-occupied rather than rental properties (5461), homeownership rates are high which contributes to stability and security within neighborhoods and communities alike.

The average sale price for a home in Cloquet during 2012 was $188K while the average mortgage rate during that same year was 4.6%. These figures indicate that despite recent economic challenges faced by many parts of America (including Minnesota), homeownership rates remain relatively stable throughout much of rural Minnesota – providing some degree level assurance against potential economic downturns or fluctuations over time.

While it is important to keep these figures in perspective – they do not necessarily reflect individual homeowner’s experiences or outcomes – they provide an overall snapshot illustrating some key trends related to home values and mortgages within this specific ZIP Code over time

Price Index: Duluth, MN-WI

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