Zip Code:

55724, Cotton, MN

55724 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Cotton and the county of St. Louis County. Its population is roughly 669.

Real Estate in the 55724 Zip Code of Cotton, MN

The 55724 zip code of Cotton, Minnesota is located in the southwestern part of the state and includes a population of about 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $75,000, which is significantly higher than the statewide median household income of $54,657. Cotton also has a relatively low unemployment rate of 3.8%, which is lower than the statewide unemployment rate of 4.1%.

One reason that Cotton has such high incomes and low unemployment rates may be due to its strong economy in agriculture and manufacturing. Cotton's main industries are agriculture (particularly soybeans), manufacturing (including machinery and equipment), and health care services. These industries have been growing rapidly over the past several years, which has helped to create jobs and increase incomes in Cotton.

Despite these positive economic indicators, there are some challenges facing the 55724 zip code of Cotton. One issue is that cotton prices have been declining recently due to global market conditions. This decline has had a negative impact on farmers' incomes and could lead to job losses in cotton-related industries if it continues for long periods of time. Additionally, there are concerns about rising housing prices in some parts of town due to increasing demand from buyers who can afford more expensive homes but may not be able to find suitable jobs or live near their families or other important resources outside of town. While these issues should not cause significant problems for most residents, they could create tension between those who have benefited from recent economic growth and those who are feeling increasingly squeezed by it

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