Zip Code:
55798 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Wright and the county of Carlton County. Its population is roughly 638.
The 55798 zip code of Wright, MN has a median home value of $146,000. This is lower than the Minnesota statewide median home value of $177,500. The 55798 zip code also has a lower home equity percentage than the state as a whole. The percentage of Wright residents with home equity is 54%, which is lower than the statewide percentage of 59%.
There are several factors that could contribute to this difference in home equity percentages between Wright and Minnesota as a whole. One possibility is that Wright residents may have less money available to invest in their homes due to lower incomes. Another possibility is that Wright homes may be worth less due to low demand for housing in the area.
Despite these differences, there are still many Wright residents who own their homes outright or have significant amounts of equity in their homes. This suggests that homeownership and investment opportunities are still available in the 55798 zip code.
Price Index: Duluth, MN-WI
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
55760 | 3,009 | 3.1 | America/Chicago | 46.64196 | -93.24358 | Mcgregor | Aitkin | Minnesota |
55726 | 1,033 | 4.3 | America/Chicago | 46.67413 | -92.83121 | Cromwell | Carlton County | Minnesota |
55757 | 689 | 2.4 | America/Chicago | 46.51485 | -92.93706 | Kettle River | Carlton County | Minnesota |
55787 | 524 | 2.3 | America/Chicago | 46.67989 | -93.11205 | Tamarack | Aitkin | Minnesota |