Zip Code:

56175, Tracy, MN

56175 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Tracy and the county of Lyon County. Its population is roughly 3,202.

Tracy, MN: A Place to Call Home

Tracy, MN is located in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and has a population of about 41,000. The median household income in Tracy is $75,000 and the median home value is $216,500. Tracy's home equity and home prices are both above average for the Twin Cities metro area.

The 56175 zip code has a population of approximately 41,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $75,000 which is above the Twin Cities metro area median of $60,000. Additionally, the 56175 zip code has a median home value of $216,500 which is also above the Twin Cities metro area median of $185,700. This indicates that Tracy's homes are worth more than average compared to other areas in Minnesota.

One reason that Tracy's homes are worth more than average may be due to its location within the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The Twin Cities metro area has a large number of jobs and businesses which may lead to increased demand for housing and property values. Additionally, Tracy's schools are generally considered to be good quality which may also contribute to higher home values in this area.

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