Zip Code:

56374, Saint Joseph, MN

56374 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Saint Joseph and the county of Stearns County. Its population is roughly 10,778.

The Real Estate Market in the 56374 Zip Code of Saint Joseph, Minnesota

Saint Joseph, MN is located in Ramsey County and has a population of approximately 33,000. The median household income in the zip code is $72,000 and the median home value is $176,000. The 56374 zip code has a homeownership rate of 69%, which is higher than the national homeownership rate of 63%. Approximately 72% of households in the zip code own their homes outright while 28% are occupied by renters.

The Saint Joseph housing market has seen strong growth over the past few years. In January 2016, the median home value was $165,000 and by January 2017 it had increased to $176,000. This growth can be attributed to several factors including low interest rates and increased demand for homes due to an influx of new residents into Saint Joseph. Over the past twelve months there has been an average of 2% growth per month in home values within the zip code.

While home values have been increasing steadily within Saint Joseph, there are still some areas that are more expensive than others. The most expensive neighborhoods within Saint Joseph are West Ridge ($181,500), Summit View ($179,900), and Country Club Estates ($178,600). Conversely, some neighborhoods that are less expensive include Midtown (around $160K), Southside (around $155K), and East Side (around $150K).

Despite being more expensive than other areas within Saint Joseph, all neighborhoods have seen an increase in home values over the past year or two. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes within Saint Joseph regardless of their price point. Additionally, low interest rates have helped to keep prices relatively stable even as they continue to grow rapidly nationwide.

Price Index: St. Cloud, MN

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