Zip Code:

56443, Cushing, MN

56443 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Cushing and the county of Morrison. Its population is roughly 1,325.

The Real Estate Market in the 56443 Zip Code of Cushing, Minnesota

The 56443 zip code of Cushing, MN has a median home value of $137,500 and a median home equity value of $112,500. The 56443 zip code ranks #1 in the state of Minnesota for both home values. The average sale price for homes in the 56443 zip code was $158,000 in 2017. This is an increase from the average sale price of $153,000 in 2016.

There are many factors that contribute to the high values in the 56443 zip code of Cushing. One reason is that Cushing is located near several major metropolitan areas including Minneapolis and Saint Paul. These areas have a large population and are always growing, which leads to more demand for housing and higher prices. Additionally, Cushing is a relatively new community and has not experienced as much inflation as other areas have over the past few decades. As a result, homes in the 56443 zip code are still relatively affordable when compared to other areas in Minnesota.

Despite these reasons, there are some challenges facing residents of the 56443 zip code when it comes to buying or selling homes. One issue is that there is not enough inventory available for people who want to buy or sell homes within this area. This can lead to long wait times for properties that become available and high prices on those that do become available. Additionally, there has been an increase in crime rates within this area recently which can make it difficult for people who live here to feel safe when they're outside their homes or when they're inside them at night time. Despite these challenges, however, most residents seem happy with their current home situation and believe that their home values will continue to rise over time

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