Zip Code:

56659, Max, MN

56659 is a Minnesota Zip code within the city of Max and the county of Itasca. Its population is roughly 68.

The Real Estate Market in the 56659 Zip Code of Max, Minnesota

The home equity and home prices in the 56659 zip code of Max, MN are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $269,900, which is more than double the national median home value of $130,000. The average home equity in this zip code is $146,000, which is also more than double the national average of $63,600. This high level of home equity indicates that many homeowners in this zip code are very confident in their ability to sell their homes for a high price.

One reason why the home values and home equity in this zip code are so high is because Max is a desirable location. It is located just outside of Minneapolis and has a variety of amenities available nearby, including shopping malls and restaurants. Additionally, Max has a strong economy with low unemployment rates and a thriving business sector. These factors contribute to the high demand for housing in Max and make it difficult for potential buyers to find affordable homes that meet their needs.

Despite the high levels of demand for housing in Max, there are still some homes available for sale in this zip code. The average list price for homes listed on Zillow within the 56659 zip code was $289,500 as of January 2018. This indicates that there are still some moderately priced homes available for purchase within this area. However, given the tight supply of homes available and the elevated prices associated with living in Max, it may be difficult for buyers who do not have ample money saved up to purchase a house here.

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