Zip Code:

58257, Mayville, ND

58257 is a North Dakota Zip code within the city of Mayville and the county of Traill. Its population is roughly 2,126.

The Real Estate Market in the 58257 Zip Code of Mayville, ND

The 58257 zip code of Mayville, ND is located in the southwestern corner of North Dakota and covers a total area of 1,527 square miles. The population of this zip code was 10,812 as of the 2010 census. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years and are now among the highest in North Dakota.

As of March 2016, the median home price in this zip code was $190,000. This represents a growth rate of 169% over the past five years. In addition, there has been an increase in home equity values as well, with the median home equity value reaching $101,000 as of March 2016. This represents an increase of 116% over the past five years.

One reason for these high home prices and increasing home equity values is that Mayville is located in a desirable location with plenty of amenities and opportunities for growth. The city has access to both Interstate 94 and U.S Highway 85 which make it easy to get to major cities such as Fargo and Minneapolis-St Paul respectively. Additionally, Mayville is close to several natural resources such as oil reserves and coal mines which have led to an increase in business activity within the city limits.

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