Zip Code:

58458, Lamoure, ND

58458 is a North Dakota Zip code within the city of Lamoure and the county of LaMoure. Its population is roughly 1,253.

Real Estate in the 58458 Zip Code of Lamoure, ND

The 58458 zip code of Lamoure, ND is located in the southwestern corner of North Dakota. The area is primarily rural, with a population density of only 2 people per square mile. Home prices in the 58458 zip code are significantly lower than home prices statewide, and have been for many years. In fact, according to Zillow, the median home value in the 58458 zip code is only $39,000 - one-third of the statewide median home value of $130,000.

One reason for this low home price in the 58458 zip code may be that there are relatively few homes available for sale in this area. According to recent data from®, there were only 36 active listings as of February 2019 - less than one-tenth of the number of active listings available statewide (1,848). Additionally, many homes in this area are older and may not meet modern standards for livability or safety. As a result, it may be difficult for potential buyers to find a suitable home in this ZIP code that meets their needs and budget.

Despite these challenges, there are some hopeful signs that suggesthome values might rebound in the future. For example:

-The population growth rate within ZIP code 58458 has been above average over recent years - suggesting that more people are interested in buying or renting homes here;

-Rural areas often experience slower housing market trends than urban areas do;

- Lamoure is located within close proximity to larger cities such as Bismarck and Mandan which could lead to increased demand for housing;

-Home prices have increased modestly over time even though interest rates remain relatively low (a sign that buyers believe there is still potential for price appreciation).

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