Zip Code:

58504, Bismarck, ND

58504 is a North Dakota Zip code within the city of Bismarck and the county of Burleigh County. Its population is roughly 27,307.

The Real Estate Market in the 58504 Zip Code of Bismarck, ND

The 58504 zip code of Bismarck, ND has a median home value of $159,900 and a median home equity value of $107,200. The average home in the 58504 zip code was built in 1982 and is approximately 2,000 square feet. The average price per square foot for homes in the 58504 zip code is $92. This means that the median home value in the 58504 zip code is approximately 3 times greater than the average price per square foot for all homes in Bismarck. Additionally, there are a significantly higher number of single-family homes (84%) compared to multi-family homes (16%) within the 58504 zip code. This suggests that homeowners in this area are primarily interested in purchasing single-family homes rather than apartments or condos.

The median home equity value indicates how much money an owner can borrow against their home's equity to cover various expenses such as mortgages, car loans, or other debts. The median home equity value for homeowners within the 58504 zip code is $107,200 which indicates that most homeowners have enough money saved up to cover any unexpected expenses related to theirhome ownership. Furthermore, it should be noted that while there are a higher number of single-family homes within this area compared to multi-family homes, there are also more families with children living within this zipcode which could indicate that parents may be more likely to use theirhome equity to finance childrearing costs rather than other types of expenditures.

Price Index: Bismarck, ND

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