Zip Code:

58568, Selfridge, ND

58568 is a North Dakota Zip code within the city of Selfridge and the county of Sioux County. Its population is roughly 697.

The Real Estate Market in the 58568 Zip Code of Selfridge, ND

Selfridge, ND is located in the southwestern corner of North Dakota and has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in Selfridge is just over $50,000 and the median home value is just over $130,000. In terms of home equity, Selfridge residents have an average home equity of around $92,000.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home equity values in Selfridge. First and foremost, the area is relatively rural and there are not many large cities nearby which can drive up demand for housing. Additionally, Selfridge has a low unemployment rate which helps to keep demand high for homes that are available. Finally, the area has seen strong growth in recent years which has helped to increase prices even further.

While there are some concerns about the future of home prices in Selfridge, overall it appears that they will continue to rise at a healthy pace for the foreseeable future. This makes it an excellent place to invest in property if you are looking for long-term returns on your investment.

Price Index: Bismarck, ND

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