Zip Code:

59317, Broadus, MT

59317 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Broadus and the county of Powder River. Its population is roughly 1,121.

Broadus Real Estate: The Best Place to Invest in MT

The Broadus zip code of 59317 has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $101,000. The Broadus zip code is located in the western part of Montana and has a population of about 1,700 people. The average commute to work is about 25 minutes.

There are many factors that affect home prices in any given area, but some key factors that may impact the price of homes in the Broadus zip code include: availability of land, schools, commute time, and crime rates.

Land in the Broadus zip code is relatively plentiful and affordable compared to other areas in Montana. This may be one reason why homes there tend to be priced lower than homes in more densely populated areas. Additionally, many people who live in the Broadus zip code commute to work within 25 minutes which may also contribute to lower home prices.

Schools are another important factor when it comes to determining the price of a home. In general, neighborhoods with good schools tend to have higher home values than neighborhoods with less-than-great schools. However, this isn't always true - there are plenty of neighborhoods with great schools that don't have high home values (e.g., some middle-class suburbs). It's important for buyers and sellers alike to consult with local real estate agents who can provide information on school districts within the Broadus zip code so they can make an informed decision about where they want to live.

Crime rates are also something that buyers should consider when looking at homes for sale or purchase. Areas with high crime rates often have higher prices for housing because homeowners fear being victimized or having their property damaged by criminals. However, crime rates aren't always indicative of bad neighborhood conditions - sometimes violent crime occurs outside commercial areas or near public transportation hubs which can lead buyers away from those areas even if crime rates aren't particularly high within them overall (this is especially true for suburban areas). Ultimately, it's important for buyers and sellers alike to do their research so they can make an informed decision about where they want to live based on their individual needs and preferences as well as those prevailing in the area at any given time

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