Zip Code:

59474, Shelby, MT

59474 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Shelby and the county of Toole. Its population is roughly 3,497.

The Real Estate Market in the 59474 Zip Code of Shelby, Montana

The 59474 zip code of Shelby, MT is located in the Treasure Valley region of Montana. The population of this zip code was 8,811 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in this zip code was $50,912 as of 2010. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly over the past few years and are now among the highest in the state.

As of February 2017, there were a total of 3,527 homes for sale in the 59474 zip code. The average list price for these homes was $269,000. The median home value in this zip code was $269,000 as well. This represents an increase of 116% since 2009 when the average list price for homes in this zip code was $119,000 and the median home value was $128,500.

One factor that has contributed to increased home values in this area is strong demand from buyers who are looking for properties that offer good access to amenities and transportation options. Additionally, many homeowners who live in this area have been able to take advantage of low interest rates and high home equity values to finance their purchases over time.

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