Zip Code:
59643 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Toston and the county of Broadwater. Its population is roughly 363.
Home Equity and Home Prices in the 59643 Zip Code of Toston, MT
The 59643 zip code of Toston, MT has a median home value of $137,000. This is higher than the Montana median home value of $119,500. The highest home values are found in the affluent neighborhoods of Deer Lodge and Sun Valley. In Deer Lodge, the median home value is $269,900 while in Sun Valley it is $248,000. The lowest home values are found in the more rural areas of the zip code. In Big Timber it is only $117,000 while in White Sulphur Springs it is only $130,000.
The average monthly mortgage payment for a house in this zip code is $1,542 which means that homeowners have an average equity of approximately 34% of their original purchase price. This compares favorably to the Montana median equity percentage which is only 21%.
There are several factors that contribute to high home equity and prices in this zip code:
-The affluent neighborhoods near Deer Lodge and Sun Valley have high incomes and high levels of property values due to their proximity to major metropolitan areas.
-Many homeowners here have been able to take advantage of low interest rates over recent years which has helped them increase their equity levels faster than would be possible if they were paying higher interest rates on traditional mortgages.
-The availability of affordable financing options through FHA or VA loans has also contributed to high levels of equity among homeowners here.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
59644 | 4,236 | 2.2 | America/Denver | 46.42113 | -111.43103 | Townsend | Broadwater | Montana |