Zip Code:

59711, Anaconda, MT

59711 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Anaconda and the county of Deer Lodge. Its population is roughly 8,839.

Real Estate in the 59711 Zip Code of Anaconda, MT

The 59711 zip code of Anaconda, MT has a median home value of $129,900 and a median home equity of $101,600. The 59711 zip code is located in the western part of Montana and has a population of approximately 2,000 people. The average commute to work is 25 minutes.

There are a number of factors that affect the home equity and home prices in the 59711 zip code. These include the local economy, interest rates, and housing inventory. The local economy can be affected by factors such as job growth or contraction, inflation rates, and consumer confidence. Interest rates are important because they influence how much money people can borrow to buy a house or to pay off their existing mortgage. Housing inventory is also important because it affects how much competition there is for homes on the market. When there are more homes available for sale than people want to buy them, prices go down because there is more competition for houses.

Overall, the 59711 zip code has relatively stable home equity values over time despite fluctuations in interest rates and housing inventory levels. This suggests that homeowners in this area have been able to weather economic challenges relatively well over the past few years. This stability may be due in part to strong local economies and low levels of unemployment relative to other parts of Montana. In addition, homeowners may be able to afford higher mortgage payments thanks to strong incomes or good credit ratings

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