Zip Code:

59722, Deer Lodge, MT

59722 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Deer Lodge and the county of Powell. Its population is roughly 5,747.

The Real Estate Market in the 59722 Zip Code of Deer Lodge, Montana

Deer Lodge, Montana is located in the 59722 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $183,500. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 16% over the past five years. Deer Lodge's home equity has also increased by 16%. This increase can be attributed to a combination of factors such as low interest rates, strong job growth and increasing demand for housing.

The average price of a single family home in Deer Lodge is $184,000. However, there are a number of homes available for sale that are priced at below $175,000. In addition to offering great prices on homes, Deer Lodge also offers excellent access to schools and recreational opportunities.

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