Zip Code:

59754, Twin Bridges, MT

59754 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Twin Bridges and the county of Madison. Its population is roughly 1,084.

The Real Estate Market in the 59754 Zip Code of Twin Bridges, MT.

The 59754 zip code of Twin Bridges, MT has a median home value of $119,000. This is higher than the Montana median home value of $106,500. The Twin Bridges area has seen an increase in home values over the past few years. In 2013, the median home value was $107,000 and in 2014 it increased to $118,000.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to this increase in home values in Twin Bridges. One reason could be that the area is growing rapidly and there are more people moving into the area which leads to an increase in demand for homes. Additionally, Twin Bridges is located near many amenities such as shopping centers and schools which may also contribute to the increasing prices of homes in this area.

Despite these positive trends, there are still some areas where prices are lower than average. For example, homes located near rural areas or areas with lower incomes tend to have lower prices than those located closer to urban areas or wealthier neighborhoods. Additionally, while prices have increased overall over the past few years, they haven’t reached their peak yet and so there may still be room for further growth in this market sector.

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