Zip Code:

59831, Dixon, MT

59831 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Dixon and the county of Sanders. Its population is roughly 458.

The Real Estate Market in the 59831 Zip Code of Dixon, MT

The zip code 59831 in Dixon, MT has a median home value of $131,000. This is lower than the Montana median home value of $183,500. The 59831 zip code also has a lower than average home equity percentage of 58%. This indicates that many homes in this zip code are valued below their total liabilities.

The 59831 zip code has a higher than average number of homes that are worth more than their mortgages. This indicates that there is strong equity in these homes and that homeowners can afford to pay off their mortgages. Additionally, the 59831 zip code has a high number of homes with negative equity (homes worth less than the amount owed on them). This indicates that there may be some problems with borrowers' creditworthiness and/or they may have taken on too much debt to buy their homes.

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