Zip Code:

59860, Polson, MT

59860 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Polson and the county of Lake. Its population is roughly 10,504.

Real Estate in the 59860 Zip Code of Polson, MT

The 59860 zip code of Polson, MT is located in the Flathead Valley and has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $53,000 and the median home value is $144,000. Home equity in this zip code has increased by 16% over the past year and home prices are up by 7%.

There are a number of reasons why home equity in this zip code is increasing. First, there is an influx of new residents who are purchasing homes at a higher price than what was previously available. Second, there has been an increase in demand for homes due to the low unemployment rate and strong economy. Finally, there has been an increase in the amount of money that people are able to borrow against their homes to purchase other items or invest in stocks or bonds.

While these factors are contributing to the increase in home equity values, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone within this zip code is experiencing these same benefits. There have been reports of some homeowners who have seen their home equity values decrease as a result of rising interest rates and tighter lending standards. Additionally, some homeowners may find it difficult to sell their homes if they're not current on their mortgage payments or if they've had trouble making other financial obligations such as rent or car payments during this time period.

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