Zip Code:

59864, Ronan, MT

59864 is a Montana Zip code within the city of Ronan and the county of Lake. Its population is roughly 7,177.

The Real Estate Market in the 59864 Zip Code of Ronan, MT

The Ronan, MT 59864 zip code has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity of $111,000. These values are significantly lower than the national median home value of $217,500 and the national median home equity of $142,000. The Ronan 59864 zip code is also one of the most affordable zip codes in Montana with a median household income of only $41,500.

There are several factors that may contribute to the low home values in the Ronan 59864 zip code. First, this area is located in a rural area and has few jobs or businesses that would generate significant income growth. Second, there is limited availability of land in this area which may limit potential development opportunities. Third, there is a high rate of foreclosure activity in this zip code which may lead to decreased demand for homes and reduced prices. Fourth, many homes in this area were built before 2000 and may not be up to current standards or meet modern safety requirements. Fifth, there is a high rate of student loan debt among residents which could lead to decreased demand for homes as an investment vehicle or reduce homeownership rates due to higher mortgage payments. Sixth, many residents are using HELOCs (home equity lines of credit) to cover expenses such as tuition payments or unexpected bills rather than investing their money into long-term assets such as real estate or stocks which could lead to further decreases in home values over time.

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