Zip Code:

60014, Crystal Lake, IL

60014 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Crystal Lake and the county of McHenry County. Its population is roughly 48,063.

The Real Estate Market in the 60014 Zip Code of Crystal Lake, IL

Crystal Lake is a city located in McHenry County, Illinois, United States. According to the 2010 census, the city has a population of 54,711. Crystal Lake is home to several large corporations such as Abbott Laboratories and Baxter International. The 60014 zip code covers much of Crystal Lake and includes many affluent neighborhoods such as Eagle Ridge Estates and Bridlewood Forest Estates.

The median home value in the 60014 zip code was $217,500 in January 2017 according to Zillow. This is well above the national median home value of $177,700 and makes Crystal Lake one of the most expensive zip codes in Illinois. In addition, Crystal Lake has a high rate of homeownership at nearly 96%. This high homeownership rate contributes to the high median home value in the 60014 zip code.

Despite having a high median home value and high homeownership rate, there are still some areas of the 60014 zip code that are more affordable than others. The less expensive areas tend to be located near the city center while the more expensive areas are located further away from town. In addition, there is a significant amount of variation within each neighborhood within the 60014 zip code due to its affluent nature. For example, Eagle Ridge Estates is considerably more expensive than Bridlewood Forest Estates despite being only 2 miles apart from each other.

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