Zip Code:

60043, Kenilworth, IL

60043 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Kenilworth and the county of Cook County. Its population is roughly 2,460.

Kenilworth Real Estate: A Look at the Market

Kenilworth is a small town located in the Chicago metropolitan area. According to the 2010 census, the population of Kenilworth was 9,812. The median household income in Kenilworth was $101,977, which is higher than the Illinois median household income of $75,591. The percentage of households earning over $200,000 was also higher than the statewide percentage of households earning over $200,000.

The 60043 zip code has a home equity value of $1.5 billion and a home price index value of $269,500 as of March 2016. This means that the home equity value in this zip code is 10 times greater than the home price index value and 3 times greater than the national average home equity value. The 60043 zip code also has a lower home price index value than most other zip codes in Illinois. This may be due to its proximity to Chicago and its high median household income.

The homeownership rate in Kenilworth is 78%, which is lower than both the statewide homeownership rate (84%) and national homeownership rate (79%). This may be due to Kenilworth's relatively low cost of living or its high median household income. In addition, renters make up a larger share of Kenilworth's population than either homeowners or renters in most other Illinois zip codes.

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