Zip Code:

60139, Glendale Heights, IL

60139 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Glendale Heights and the county of DuPage County. Its population is roughly 34,160.

The Real Estate Market in the 60139 Zip Code of Glendale Heights, IL.

The 60139 zip code of Glendale Heights, Illinois has a population of approximately 27,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $101,000 and the median home value is $225,000. The 60139 zip code has a homeownership rate of 69% and a vacancy rate of 2%.

There are a total of 10,898 housing units in the 60139 zip code. Of these housing units, 97% are occupied and 3% are vacant. The average rent price in the 60139 zip code is $1,100 per month and the average mortgage rate is 4%.

The average home value in the 60139 zip code has increased by 5.5% over the past year and has increased by 9.4% over the past three years. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing in this area and that prices will continue to rise over time. In addition, there are currently only 1 vacant homes for every 10 occupied homes in the 60139 zip code which shows that there is very little supply of housing available for purchase or rent in this area. This suggests that buyers should expect to pay higher prices for properties in this area than they would elsewhere in Illinois.

Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR

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