Zip Code:
60142 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Huntley and the county of McHenry County. Its population is roughly 28,647.
The 60142 zip code of Huntley, Illinois has a population of around 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000, and the median home value is $165,000. The average home equity in this zip code is around $130,000.
There are a number of factors that contribute to the high home equity values in the 60142 zip code of Huntley. First and foremost, the area has a high rate of homeownership (around 85%), which contributes to the high home values. Additionally, there are a number of affluent families living in this area who are able to leverage their home equity to purchase additional property or invest in other ventures. Finally, Huntley is located in an economically stable region with low unemployment rates and strong economic growth prospects. These factors have helped to drive up the prices and values of homes in this area over the past several years.
Despite these positive trends, there are some risks associated with owning a home in the 60142 zip code of Huntley. For one thing, there is a risk that interest rates could rise over time and make it more difficult for homeowners to pay off their mortgages. Additionally, if there were any major changes in the local economy (e.g., an increase in unemployment or housing prices), it could lead to decreased demand for homes within this zip code and consequently lower home values.
Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
60014 | 48,063 | 734.9 | America/Chicago | 42.23203 | -88.32731 | Crystal Lake | McHenry County | Illinois |
60156 | 28,809 | 984.7 | America/Chicago | 42.19139 | -88.34582 | Lake In The Hills | McHenry County | Illinois |
60136 | 7,823 | 433.9 | America/Chicago | 42.10469 | -88.37826 | Gilberts | Kane County | Illinois |
60180 | 1,813 | 32.4 | America/Chicago | 42.22522 | -88.52470 | Union | McHenry County | Illinois |