Zip Code:

60178, Sycamore, IL

60178 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Sycamore and the county of DeKalb County. Its population is roughly 22,374.

The Real Estate Market in the 60178 Zip Code of Sycamore, IL

The 60178 zip code of Sycamore, IL has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity value of $106,000. The average home in the 60178 zip code is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The 60178 zip code has a population of about 9,500 people.

The 60178 zip code is located in the northwest corner of Will County and includes portions of the city of Sycamore as well as unincorporated areas. The area is mostly residential with some commercial development along Route 59. There are several small businesses located in the area but no major employers.

The median household income in the 60178 zip code is $53,500 which is lower than the Illinois median household income of $60,000. The unemployment rate in the 60178 zip code is about 5%. About two-thirds (66%) of households in the 60178 zip code have children under 18 living with them, which is lower than the Illinois percentage of 70%. The percentage of households with incomes below poverty level is also lower than Illinois at 10%.

Home values have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand and limited supply. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on U.S. housing markets, homes in ZIP codes across America that are within reach for most buyers have seen prices increase by an averageof 6% since last year – more than twice as fast as inflation (2%). This strong demand has driven up prices even further for some ZIP codes where there are already high levels of homeownership – like 60178 where nearly two-thirds (64%)of homes are owned by people who live there full time or part time.

Price Index: Elgin, IL (MSAD)

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